
MAS Impex Asian und Afro Supermarkt

(133) Supermarket
Address: Wilstorfer Str. 49, 21073 Hamburg, Germany
Hours: Opens soon ⋅ 9 AM
Phone: +49 40 28007805
MAS Impex Asian and Afro Supermarkt · Featured products · We respect your privacy: cookie settings. Cookies are used to provide you with ...
The African Shop MAS Impex Asian und Afro Supermarkt is a specialist for African food. The shop is centrally located in Hamburg.
MAS Impex Asian and Afro Supermarkt, Hamburg, Germany. 23 likes. Wir bieten Indische, Pakistanische, Bangladesh, Afghanische und Sir Lankanische...
See all 294 reviews of Hamburg. 25,785 of 49,998 Photos. Asian und Afro Supermarkt MAS Impex - Picture of Hamburg, Germany. Hamburg; Germany; Europe. ​​​​​​​​​​
In this supermarket, you can get Indian, Pakistani, South-American, African and some East Asian food. We have approximately 3000 different food products.
61 likes this. Afrikanisches & Asiatisches Lebensmittel, Afro Kosmetik und Brazil Food. Alpha and Omega International Afro Shop. 53 likes this. Afrikanische ...